Daily Encouragement

Nichiren Buddhism is concerned with a very practical problem—how people should live their lives—and never for an instant allows its attention to be diverted from that problem. And because this is its purpose, it demands as a first step that one conduct a thorough and fearless examination into the true nature of human life.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

When we speak of showing actual proof, it doesn’t mean we have to try to put on a show of being in any way more knowledgeable or accomplished than we are. It is my hope that, in the manner that best suits your situation, you will prove the validity of this Buddhism by steadily improving in your daily life and in polishing your character, as well as in your family, place of work and community.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

There are many people, many lives, on this planet, too numerous, in fact, to count. From this great multitude, we wondrously find ourselves together with those in our families—as parents and children, as brothers and sisters, as husbands and wives. If we do not live joyfully and cheerfully in the company of those with whom we share this profound bond, what is life for? Should the atmosphere at home be somber, you yourself can be the “sun.” By being a shining presence, you can cast the light of hope on your father, mother and whole family.

from sgi.org