Daily Encouragement

Faith is the ultimate essence of intellect. Through the practice of correct faith, the intellect comes to shine. Intellect without correct faith lacks a firm anchor in the soil of life and eventually becomes disordered. This prompted the first Soka Gakkai president, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, to remark that many modern thinkers were suffering from what he termed “higher psychosis.” Faith without intellect, meanwhile, leads to blind faith and fanaticism. Faith or intellect alone—one without the other—is unhealthy.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

You cannot judge the quality of another’s friendship by superficial appearances, especially when things are going smoothly. It is only when we have experienced the worst, most crushing of times—when we have plumbed the depths of life—that we can experience the joys of genuine friendship. Only a man of principle, a woman of resolve—a person who stays true to their chosen path—can be a trusted and true friend, and have real friends in turn.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

Please do not forget your mother’s love or the hardships she has endured for you. I am convinced that while people keep the memory of their mothers’ loving faces alive in their minds, they will never go far astray. Similarly, as long as we bear in mind Nichiren’s profound compassion and live in deep appreciation of it, our lives will be illuminated brightly by the light of Buddhahood. And enveloped in the Gohonzon’s great compassion, we will walk along a path that is filled with tranquillity and immeasurable joy.

from sgi.org