Daily Encouragement

President Toda used to say, “Become individuals who are strong physically, intellectually and spiritually.” To be strong in all three areas is the ideal. Many people may be strong in one or two of these areas, but only when all three are combined can we enjoy a well-balanced life, a life of resounding victory. Those who cultivate such all-around strength are never defeated.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

We must put down firm roots; we must be strong. Inner strength is a prerequisite for happiness, a prerequisite for upholding justice and one’s beliefs. One of the Buddha’s titles is “He Who Can Forbear.” To courageously endure, persevere and overcome all difficulties—the Buddha is the ultimate embodiment of the virtue of forbearance. The power of faith gives us the strength to weather and survive any storm. Perseverance is the essence of a Buddha.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

In any earnest struggle, there come crucial challenges—mountains that must be scaled and conquered if we are to win. In Buddhist practice, too, we face such crucial challenges. If we hope to advance kosen-rufu and attain Buddhahood, then we must prevail over these mountains.

from sgi.org