Daily Encouragement

Those who have experienced great suffering must win in life and become happy. If you’re always losing and miserable, then you are not practicing Nichiren Buddhism correctly. You are not following the true path in life. Buddhism teaches the means by which the sad can become happy and the happy become happier still. That is the reason for our practice.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

During our dialogue, Dr. Arnold Toynbee at one point told me that his motto was Laboremus, Latin for “Let’s get to work!” Nichiren Buddhism focuses on the present and future; it is infused with the spirit, “Let’s get started!” We practice for the sake of the present and future. It is important not to become trapped in the past; we have to put it behind us. The Buddhism of true cause is always based on the present moment; it is always “from this moment on.”

from sgi.org