Daily Encouragement

Governments come and go, economies rise and fall and society constantly changes. Only the good fortune that we accumulate during our lives lasts forever. The true victors are those who cultivate the tree of Buddhahood in the vast earth of their lives, while achieving success both in society and their personal lives through true faith and a true way of living.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

The glory we enjoy in a dream vanishes without a trace when we awaken. When an illusion disappears, nothing is left of its joy except a sense of emptiness, like that which one feels when finally sobering from a state of drunkenness. The joy of Buddhahood, however, is profound, indestructible and everlasting.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

We must make steady and persistent efforts firmly grounded in daily life. If we travel in the orbit of “faith equals daily life,” all our prayers will definitely be answered. We can then lead lives in which all our desires will be fulfilled. Should all our prayers be answered without our having to make any effort, we would grow lazy. Should all our desires be achieved without our ever having to experience suffering or hardship, we could not understand the pain and struggles of others, and our compassion would gradually wane.

from sgi.org