Daily Encouragement

Our voice costs nothing and it is our strongest weapon. Nichiren wrote, “Do not spare your voice” (Gosho Zenshu, p. 726). There are different voices for different situations: the clear, resounding voice that declares truth and justice; the strong voice that refutes evil; the bright, confident voice that tells others about the greatness of this Buddhism; the warm voice that gives encouragement; the sincere, friendly voice that offers praise and words of appreciation to others. The important thing is that we meet and speak with people widely, inside and outside the organization.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

Everything ultimately depends on whether there is someone who is willing to wage a desperate all-out struggle, someone who will take one hundred percent responsibility without relying on or leaving things to others, someone who will work with selfless dedication for the sake of the people without any concern for what others think. Such a person is a true leader and a genuine Buddhist.

from sgi.org