Daily Encouragement

The present, as I am sure you all sense, is an age pervaded by great weariness and apathy. I would like you to be aware that the power and energy to serve humanity in such an enervated age can only be born from a vigorous, indomitable, noble will. Though the times may be rife with petty human conflicts, a pervading sense of hopelessness and all manner of turbulent storms, I hope that all of you will forge ahead boldly with unflagging good cheer.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

Gandhi stressed the importance of being resolute in one’s determinations: “A man who says that he will do something ‘as far as possible’ betrays either his pride or his weakness, though he himself may attribute it to his humility. There is, in fact, not a trace of humility in such an attitude of mind.” In short, he asserts that someone who makes halfhearted pronouncements is either arrogant or cowardly.

from sgi.org