Daily Encouragement

In the face of rejection, you must learn to be courageous. It is important to believe in yourself. Be like the sun, which shines on serenely even though not all the heavenly bodies reflect back its light and even though some of its brilliance seems to radiate only into empty space. While those who reject your friendship may sometimes fade out of your life, the more you shine your light, the more brilliant your life will become.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

Courage is free. Anyone can have it. Courage is another name for the SGI spirit. Mr. Toda said: “The Buddha is filled with compassion, but it is hard for us common mortals to show compassion. So we must have courage instead.” In other words, when we work courageously for kosen-rufu, our actions by their very nature become compassionate.

from sgi.org