To My Friends


Today, too, we advance together

with our organizational newspaper.

Nichiren Daishonin states,

“It is through the use of words and letters

that the Buddha saves living beings.”(*)

Let’s spread words of encouragement and

chronicle our human revolution as the

“day-to-day record of [our] own existence.”(**)

To My Friends

All Future Division members(*),

without exception, are the

world’s great hope.

They are invaluable individuals

who will victoriously surmount these

difficult times to spread courage

to others.

Let’s all lend them our wholehearted

support and encouragement!

To My Friends

To all young adults making your debut

in society in the working world—

trust is your greatest asset.

Do your best to fulfill even the smallest

promise, and sincerely carry out each

responsibility and see it through.

Shine at your workplace!