Daily Encouragement

Please make every effort to find and raise capable people. My wish is that you construct a wonderful organization, joyfully building growing spheres of friendship and a solidarity of people who cherish hope for life and the future. Please lead the most wonderful of lives.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

I hope that leaders will earnestly pray for the prosperity, safety and happiness of the members who are all so infinitely noble and praiseworthy. May you also never forget to develop yourselves and pray to become people who are liked and trusted by the members, who can work unstintingly for the members’ happiness and well-being.

from sgi.org

Daily Encouragement

Those who strengthen their faith day by day and month after month are genuine practitioners. Our daily practice of gongyo, therefore, is important, as well as attending meetings every month. We must not let our faith grow weak. We must make it stronger today than yesterday, stronger this month than last. Buddhist practice is a succession of such untiring efforts, the ultimate goal of which is attaining the summit of Buddhahood.

from sgi.org