To all young adults making your debut
in society in the working world—
trust is your greatest asset.
Do your best to fulfill even the smallest
promise, and sincerely carry out each
responsibility and see it through.
Shine at your workplace!
To all young adults making your debut
in society in the working world—
trust is your greatest asset.
Do your best to fulfill even the smallest
promise, and sincerely carry out each
responsibility and see it through.
Shine at your workplace!
Just be yourself and help people
create a connection to Buddhism
with great confidence!
Genuine, heartfelt words and actions
become seeds of friendship and
happiness that eventually bear fruit.
Let’s cultivate a flower garden
of harmony and happiness in our
organizational districts and groups!
This resolute, powerful passion
will become the foundation for
kosen-rufu in our communities
and create everlasting prosperity!